Start Reducing Your Water Costs Todday

With Expert Guidance & Unmatched Industry Knowledge

Trusted Partners

Yes, You CAN Switch Your Water Supplier

Our Mission

Our Approach

Our Expertise

Why switch your water supplier?

Reduced bills

Finding ways to save money will always be a top priority for businesses and switching can help you protect your bottom line by enjoying cost savings through better tariffs with a different retailer.

Saving Water

Operating more sustainably is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all kinds and switching can help you identify weak areas across your site so you can implement water-saving solutions over time.

Better Customer Service

If you’re unhappy with the standard of customer service that you’re currently receiving, you can find a company that’s better suited to your company, with experience of working with businesses in your sector.

Bill Consolidation

If you own multiple sites, you can streamline your processes by consolidating all the bills for your water supply and wastewater services with just one supplier, wherever possible.

Saving You Thousands in Fees

High Street Rates

Average Water Rate
0 p
Average Total Fees
£ 0

Big Brand Rates

Average Water Rate
0 p
Average Total Fees
£ 0

Northern Water

Average Water Rate
0 p
Average Total Saved
£ 0

Frequently Asked Questions

I am already in contract so I cannot move to Northern Water?

As we provide a service to manage your water bills, you can move to us anytime within a fixed term contract, or when your contract renews. No more payments or chasing from suppliers, we manage all of that as part of our service agreement between us.

You can update your change of address details by calling us on 01423 000000.

Your internal stop tap is the point where you can turn off the water supply to your home or business. It is important that you check to make sure the tap is working ok every so often. So if there is an emergency you can stop the water supply. If it’s leaking or broken you will need to contact a plumber.

When reading your water meter, you only need to record the black digits. Please ignore the red digits when supplying a reading for billing purposes. You can update a meter reading by calling us on 01423 000000.

Water meters are generally located outside the property at the external boundary box. Your boundary box will either be a small metal lid the size of a CD case with STW on the top, or a small round plastic lid the size of a plate with STW on the top.

If you’re concerned that your meter may be faulty there is a quick simple test you can do to find out. Make sure all water appliances are switched off (including the internal stop tap) Take a reading from the meter and leave the supply off for 2 to 3 hours, then take another reading. The reading should be exactly the same. If it’s not leave your internal stop tap turned off and contact us for further advice.

There are 3 types of measured water and sewerage charges: The standard measured tariff where a measured supply of water is made available subject to our standard terms and conditions of metered water. The sewerage charges are usually calculated on the assumption that 95% of the water consumption recorded by the meter is discharged to the sewer. Where it is not reasonably practicable to fit a meter or it is unreasonably expensive to fit one, then we may charge on an assessed basis. Customers may choose our industrial tariff when a large volume of water is used at a single site and/or the discharge of savage is 100 Ml or more per annum from a single site. For traders who have been permitted to discharge trade effluent directly or indirectly to a public sewer, they will be charged on a trade effluent tariff. This will either be on our standard tariff or where the volume of effluent discharged from a single site is 100 Ml or more, then you may choose the industrial tariff.

As part of our service, we can use our own credit with suppliers to safeguard you from increased credit tariffs.

it will provide us with the meter details, including consumption, contractual end dates and your current rates. All of this is important for us when we are trying to help you through our service.

Is Northern Water a supplier?

No, we are a service provider managing your utilities and trying, where possible to reduce your costs.

Please see emergency contacts here.

VAT is not currently chargeable on sewage services.
VAT will be added to water supply charges to relevant industrial customers who are defind within divisions 1-5 of the standard industrial classification list 1980 (SIC).
Div1 Energy and water supply industries
Div2 Extraction of minerals and ores other than fuels, manufacture of metal, mineral products and chemicals.
Div3 Metal goods, engineering and vehicle industries.
Div4 Other manufacturing industries.
Div5 Construction
Where supplies are for both relevant industrial activities and other purposes, VAT is chargable if the predominant activity of the customer falls within any of the above divisions. Water supply charges to all other customers are zero rated for VAT purposes. Other services provided may be subject to VAT.

All non-household supplies are required to be metered wherever practicable. This includes non-household premises who’s water usage might be mainly or solely for domestic purposes as well as mixed use premises. Premises in multiple occupation e.g guest houses & nursing homes may also be required to be metered.

Our business customers receive a monthly invoice which states the agreed budget plan. Reconciliation statements are produced periodically or when requested by the client.

If you require a new water supply please call us on 01423 000000. We will then arrange for an application to be completed.

This is a simple device that fits inside the toilet cistern. Every time the toilet is flushed the hippo will save up to three litres of water.

We are not a broker, nor are we a supplier. We simply offer a service to manage your bills, with a service fee included within your monthly invoice.

As part of our service and to win new business, we will often take a loss on your initial term service contract, showing how we put customers first.

In the unfortunate event that you feel that there is need for complaint; please find below our complaint’s procedure process.

In the first Instance

Please contact you account manager directly. Your account manager will initially try to help you and resolve any issues or areas of dissatisfaction.

In the second Instance

If you are not happy with the resolution of your complaint in the first instance, then please put your complaint in writing and elevate the complaint to the complaint’s manager who will be listed within your service contract signed between us.

We want to resolve your complaint immediately, we will strive to satisfy any matters of complaint, investigate matters thoroughly, provide you with an explanation, confirm what actions need to be taken and advise how to proceed appropriately moving forwards.

In the third Instance

If the senior complaints team are unable to resolve your complaint, then it will be then escalated to the director whose details will be provided to you when the time is right, as per our contract.

If your complaint is unresolved after 8 weeks

Naturally, we want to resolve your complaint immediately. If you have followed the above steps, and your complaint is still unresolved, you have a right to contact Citizens Advice Consumer Service for free, independent advice service.

The Citizens Advice Consumer Service is a government funded telephone and online service offering information and advice on consumer issues.

You can contact Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0344 411 1444 or online at

Changing Supplier​

Water bills can be reduced by anything between 10 & 18% per cent depending on your industry and your consumption habits.

United Kingdom's
Water Retailer

However you use water, however much you use & whatever your business.

Copyright © 2024 Northern Water.

All Rights Reserved.

Northern Water group.

Contact Details

+44(0)1423 556 556

We strive to stay in communication with our clients. Have a question about how we can match your specific needs? Send us a message, or give us a call. We’re always happy to meet new customers!

Opening Hours

Mon 09:00 – 17:00
Tue 09:00 – 17:00
Wed 09:00 – 17:00
Thu 09:00 – 17:00
Fri 09:00 – 17:00
Sat Closed
Sun Closed